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Welcome to our precinct website, in what I hope will become your trusted source for local and national political news. As your newly elected chair, I am dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information. My goal is to help everyone stay informed on the latest developments in our local and national politics and provide opportunities to become involved! ALL are welcome so please share this website if you feel others would like to stay informed.

Our Precinct

Precinct 58 is comprised of neighborhoods that live within the boundaries of Lake Woodlands and Research Forest, and Cochran's Crossing to Shadowbend. The neighborhood of Forest Ridge is also included with the exception of three streets on the north side of their subdivision.


Get Updates

You don't have to live in Precinct 58 to receive updates. The more the merrier! Be the first to find out what's happening in the Republican Party, Elections, Events, & Precinct 58! Sign Up here to receive our Precinct 58 Newsletter.

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Our Features

What you'll find in this website:


In The Woodlands/County

I will list events, speakers, forums, fundraisers, and basically any way of getting involved as a Republican, Conservative voter and maybe as a future Candidate! Anything that comes across my desk that I think you as a resident and voter should attend within our Conservative Republican Party will be here.


Local, State, National

It's hard to find news that is unbiased so I will do my best to provide news that is relevant to us as residents/voters. Links, videos, online articles to read from WITH sources listed. Transparency is important on this site. If you come across something that you think we should know as a Precinct, please CONTACT ME and let me know. I'd be happy to post it on this site .


On Candidates & Voting

My previous website listed ALL candidates in the Republican Primaries along with our Precinct 58 Sample ballot. As elections roll around, I will provide this same service so that you as a voter can have the information needed from valid sources within ONE CLICK, do your homework, and arrive at the polls as informed as possible. Stay tuned for early voting next month!


Locally, State, National

From local Village Associations, Township issues and candidates, MUD board, CISD board and bonds, runoffs, joint and general elections, anytime you can vote - you'll find it here! Make sure to look for the OFFICIAL Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas log when verifying sources.

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